Cleaners, Domestic workers, Hospita…
For the sake of Ampath’s trust
sixty-four in total overall
Within the Midrand region of South Africa,
Ins and outs of the position in question
Through this connection, the particulars of the employment are related to the preferences that you have for the task. This connection is what makes the employment possible.At any given time, you have the ability to modify your profile in order to exercise control over your preferences for jobs.
There are numerous types of career paths.
This is not a part-time position.
The following is a reference to the advertisement:
At this time, the Messenger/Cleaner Waterfalls P8320 is available for purchase.
In its whole, the position is known as:
It was during their time spent among the Waterfalls that the Messenger and the Cleaner visited.
Scheduled Closing Times and Dates:
2024, on the second day of January
Applications are being accepted for the following open positions:
Twenty-seventh of December, the year 2023
At the point of origin:
Waterfalls that are located in the Midrand region
Specifically, it can be found in the following location:
Waterfalls that are located in the Midrand region
Different kinds of positions include:
This is not a part-time position.
On a weekly basis, more specifically:
forty-five (45)
Aspects of the Situation as It Stands for Now:
Within the borders of South Africa, the work week is comprised of five days.
Among the objectives of the position are the following:
To carry out general support responsibilities while working in the Clinical Pathology laboratory, within the context of the overall laboratory environment.
As a prerequisite for the following:
Tenth grade students
One who possesses the necessary amount of experience:
The Meditech system was designed to be a representation of the Knowledge.
Important Obligations and Responsibilities consist of the Following:
The provision of assistance with the Operations of Materials Management is a task that falls on your shoulders. Cleaning the gear and glassware that are used in the laboratory is an essential first step that must be taken.
For the purpose of maintaining a sanitary and risk-free working environment, it is essential to clean and organise the refrigerator, the storage area, and the laboratory.
Improving Ampath’s image may be accomplished in a number of ways, one of which is by ensuring that the company’s ties with its customers remain strong.
In order to guarantee that administrative responsibilities are handled in an appropriate manner, it is required to conduct out activities that are particularly pertinent to laboratory administration duties.
In order to ensure that there are sufficient supplies available for usage in the laboratory, it is essential to replenish the proper supplies that are located on the benches that are located in the laboratory.
Either a valid South African work visa or a South African identification card must be presented by the applicants in order for them to be considered for the position.
We are not going to take into consideration your curriculum vitae if you send it to us via courier or fax.
In the event that we do not get in touch with you within the next fourteen days, we politely request that you consider your application to have been failed. Thank you for your consideration.