The online platform for entry-level jobs
Let us connect you with your next employer or employee.
Motivated by our vision to Employ the World, we believe through exceptional service and innovation we can create greater accessibility for both job seekers and employers. Our technology provides the opportunity to experience modern recruitment methods on one comprehensive, cost-effective and convenient platform.
How JOBJACK connects you with the right people
Greater accessibility
Employers post their available jobs on a platform with over 2 000 000 registered users. Job seekers have access and easy application to job opportunities in their area.
Excellent support team
JOBJACK’s team members are always ready to assist where necessary! We keep a good balance between using powerful technology and human elements as part of our service.
A cost-effective solution
Job seekers register and use the platform for free! We are even data free on some networks. Employers get a competitive pricing plan to suit their companies’ recruitment needs.
JOBJACK’s technology
JOBJACK’s platform allows a simple and comprehensive application process for job seekers. Employers have access to easy job postings and powerful candidate filtering and sorting options.