6 Elearning Learnerships You Can Take From Home In SA | Online Applications

Are you looking for a elearning learnership in 2023?, we have listed E-learnerships you can apply for with Matric or without grade 12 in South Africa. These e-learning learnerships offer monthly stipend and data allowance for learners to successfully access their studies online.

We all know about LMS Learnerships (By Speccon),but today we are going to be discussing something different. We once wrote an article about Online Learnerships with stipend you can view them here if you haven’t read it yet.Ezoic

 We are simply going to be more in depth and tell you more about different elearning learnerships apart from the ones we previously mentioned.

Let us start with the basics first!

What is a Elearning Learnership?

An elearning learnership is a SETA Acreddited programme based only online, without the learning having to attend the classroom or physically be at the training center. This Elearning Learnership is provided by an Acreddited Provider or employer in respect of the concerpt of skills development.Ezoic

What do you need to get Started with E-learning Learnerships?

Since your classes are online you will need a high funtioning device, it can be a Laptop (Recommended), Smart Phone, Tablet depending on the LMS (Learning Management System) of the learnership provider. Here’s the list of things you may need to get started.

  • Laptop, Phone, Table
  • Stable internet Connection

What documents do you need to apply for an E-learning Learnerships?

The most common documents you would expect from a normal job application. Most of the times you will need these following documents.Ezoic

  • Certified ID Copy
  • Highest Qualification (Matric – Certified)
  • Proof of Residence
  • Bank Statement
  • SARS (Copy)

Great! Now that you understand what an Elearning learnership is. We will look at some of the new elearning learnership providers that you may find useful for you to get started and upgrade your skills.

You may also look: 6 Amazing Hospitality Learnerships 2023 in South Africa | By Popular Companies

5 Best E-learning Learnerships 2023 in South Africa

Well, obviously Speccon LMS takes the cup and should be number one on this list but for today we won’t about it. We are giving other elearning training providers a chance to shine. Let us get to it!

01. CYWGJ E-learning Learnerships 2023

Don’t worry the name stands for (Connecting Youth With Good Jobs). This initiative focuses more on upskilling SA Youth and providing acreddited qualifications which are based on learnerships. A company based at Midrand, Gauteng. Well yes you can apply from wherever you are in South Africa so you don’t have to worry much about location. You can get a R400 monthly stipend from completing your assignments.EzoicSponsored LinksEzoic

See also  Learnership 18.2 Learner Miner

How do you apply? You will need the following documents: 

  • ID (Certfied)  
  • Matric or Gr11 results
  • Bank confirmation letter
  • SARS certificate
  • CV

You have two options it is either you can apply through their website or you can apply Now link below which will take you to the form.

APPLY: CYWGJ ELearning Learnership Application

This organisation is very good for you especially with options that it has. Let us say you are’nt sucessful on the job side. Well, a learnership might be the best option. So get right on to it and apply today.

02. Quest College E-learning Learnership 2023

This Online college offers courses, learnerships and skills development programmes. Acreddited by Seta and has a variety of courses to choose from through their elearning platform were student can learn and receive stipend at the sametime. 

Currently there is a Online Learnership available for Mpumalanga Youth. This learnership is sponsored by KIJIMA Construction. Apply here if you live around this province. 

If you live somewhere else. Its okay you can apply using the link below. 

Apply: Quest Colloge Elearning Learnership Application

Please note that Quest College of Technology constantly invites new learners for various types of learnerships on behalf of companies. 

For example this learnership above is hosted by DE WIT Motors which made temporary partnership with the college to recruit learnership. You will get a stipend of R400 monthly for 12months.

If you want to learn more about how SETA learnerships work please look: 5 Best SETA Learnerships | Acreddited Providers.Ezoic

03. Tusanang Group E-learning Learnership 2023

Tusanang has been around for a while now, for those who don’t know it. Well, Tusanang Group is a skills development initiative that aims to improve the youth through training. accredited with, W&R SETA, Service SETA, Foodbev SETA and Agri SETA.Sponsored LinksEzoic

See also  SETA Learnership Program 2024/25

Almost similar to the previous learnerships we have mentioned ealier on this article. Unlike other training providers, Tusanang has a different approach with it’s programmes and how they are hosted. 

To find out more about Tusanang please visit their official website for elearning or use the link below to get started with your application.

Apply: Tusanang Group Elearning Learnership Application

You may also look: 4 Good Learnerships 2023 without Matric | Grade 10 | No ExperienceEzoic

04. Business School E-learning Learnership (SMART LMS)

This elearning learnship provider has various types of learnerships and also online courses. Since you are looking for elearning learnerships there is 40% chance that these learnerships are held online. Sponsored LinksEzoic

Business School is a Seta Acreddited training provider with different types of industries and operates within the business related sectores. Please click the apply button below. Be sure to enquire for more information here training@bschool.edu.za

Apply: Business School Elearning Learnership Application

05. Skills Juntion E-learning Learnership 2023

Whether you are employed, unemployed or disabled. Skills Juntion welcomes you with open arms. This Training Provider has a lot to offer, starting from online courses, learnerships, skills development and elearning. 

Skills Juntion has all that you need in one place. Skills Juntion is level 1 B-BBE contributor based in Johannesburg. Location does not have to discourage your from applying right away. Their learnership programmes may be available for everyone who meets the requirements of specific courses especially online. Sponsored LinksEzoic

Take a leap on faith and try your luck. To apply read through the website page and scroll down where you will find “Apply for a Learnership” button on the footer.

Apply: Skills Juntion Elearning Learnership Application

06. GPR Training E-learning Learnership

GPR Training is rare to the ears of many people, yet it does wonders too. This Acreddited Training provider offers learnerships, elearning platform for skills development. Get started with your application today

Apply: GPR Elearning Learnership Application


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